The Arabian Angelfish can be found in the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean and Red Sea. The prefer to occupy caves where they can find a variety of corals. They are a herbivore and mostly feast on algae and weeds. Living around these coral reefs allows them plenty of hiding places from any predators. Although predominantly a solitary fish they can be found in mating pairs but form groups no larger than two,
As they grow into adulthood the Arabian Angelfish will discover a change in their colouration juveniles will be blue with white stripes whereas adults will be predominantly a bright blue with a distinct yellow band in their middle and a yellow colouring on their tail. Many Angelfish have a reputation for being aggressive whereas the Arabian Angelfish is much more timid and tends not to fight other fish,
When courting a mate the male fish will swim around the female before swimming above her to check to see if she is ready to lay her eggs. Once the eggs are laid and fertilised they will float off into the sea for a few weeks before resting on the ocean floor to hatch. When hatched these baby angelfish will grow up away from their parents.
Fish: solitary reef fish
What do they eat?
algae and sea sponges
Max 40cm
Water Type
Salt Water
Where are we?
Indian Ocean and Red Sea