Foxface Rabbitfish are commonly found in the Western Pacific Ocean where they feel most at home swimming around shallow lagoons in these tropical waters. Not a huge fan of sunlight the Foxface will spend most of it’s time in covered areas in coral reefs searching for food.
Foxface Rabbitfish are easy to spot as their vibrant yellow bodies help them stand out amongst the corals. The features that really sets them apart from other fish is their long fox like snout that is made of black, brown and white bands that stretch from their snout to the front of their bodies. As a very solitary fish they don’t have a school of their peers as protection so can be very timid in a busy environment and my hide amongst rocks and corals.
To avoid becoming a victim to the many predators that can be found in these tropical sees the Foxface Rabbitfish has developed a special ability. They contain venom in their anal, dorsal and pectoral fins which they can inject through their spikes. Although they are deadly fish their diet is much more similar to that of a rabbit than a fox as the feed of algae and dead corals.
Fish: colourful venomous fish
What do they eat?
Algae, plankton and coral
Max 23cm
Water Type
Salt Water
Where are we?
Pacific Ocean